
Sam Adams Brewery Founder Offers Students Advice on Finding a Career

"Starting a brewery felt good and kind of cool," he said. "All the insulation I had was gone. It was an incredibly liberating experience."

Kohn advised Harvard students to consider more than just a few career paths.


"After you get out of here, everything will narrow you," he said. "Harvard opens doors for you. The downside is you get channeled into things way too early."

He also emphasized the value of happiness over money.

"You're all going to get your financial needs met," said Kohn. "Getting rich is life's biggest booby trap."

Students at the panel found Kohn a funny and engaging speaker.

"It was a spectacular presentation," said J. Benjamin Popp '01. "It was very personal, and he took pains to make it relevant. It's reassuring to hear his story as a directionless senior."

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