
Sam Adams Brewery Founder Offers Students Advice on Finding a Career

When Jim Koch '71 graduated from college, he was confused about what he wanted to do with his life.

He tried law school. He tried business school. He even tried consulting.

Not until he founded the Sam Adams beer brewery did Koch find his life's passion.


Yesterday, Koch related his story in a Science Center speech and urged graduates to be open-minded when deciding their own future careers.

Koch related his convoluted career path to the panel with humor and offered insights about life after Harvard.

After graduating from the College, he spent six years studying and working before deciding in 1977 to start a brewing company. Koch said that he was unsure and often frustrated during those years.

"I had no basis to make real choices," he said. "I really didn't like law school."

He left a promising career at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to start the Sam Adams brewing company.

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