
Knowles Appoints New Education Deans

Todd will continue as a professor of Slavic languages and literatures and of comparative literature when his current post ends.

Wolff also served as the curator of the Isham Memorial Library and is a professor in the music department.

He will continue in those capacities after he completes his term as dean of graduate education.


Pedersen and Ellison had nothing but praise for their predecessors and for each other.

"Both deans have been terrific. I followed Wolff closely in particular with his efforts to get graduate funding at a more happy level," Pedersen said.

Pedersen and Ellison will be working closely together as they integrate graduate and undergraduate education. And that's good news to them.

"I am really looking forward to working with Susan Pedersen. She's a great person, and we'll make a good team," Ellison said.

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