
Bigger Can Be Better

A disadvantage of large lecture classes is the ease with which students can sleep in, skip class, and choose alternate activities over learning.

Todd says that the mandatory decrease in section size is one way in which the faculty has tried to combat the growing of class size.


"With [class size] in mind we reduced discussion section sizes from 20 to 18 two years ago," Todd says. "And once we have settled into this size we would probably like to make another reduction, perhaps to 15."

Harvard President Neil L. Rudenstine says that the reduction of section size was one goal of the University as a part of the capital campaign.

"We did reduce section size as a result of the capital campaign, and I think that was a good step," Rudenstine says. "But we need to add really considerably to the Faculty to create more seminars."

Knowles expressed concern for the fact that first-years do not have the opportunity to indulge in the world of small classes.

Todd says that the faculty may be in the process of creating alternate programs for first-years, "in order to intensify discussion and interaction," Todd says.

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