
Report Suggests Troubled HIID Should Dissolve

University will likely accept recommendation

Pagett said he thinks the recommendation to dissolve HIID will likely not affect the federal investigation into the Russia scandal.

Even if HIID functions are moved to different schools, he added, they will remain University functions.


"It really is not related to Russia," Wrinn also said of the report.

Still, the report cites the Russian scandal as highlighting "the unforeseeable risks inherent in a worldwide enterprise such as HIID."

The report says HIID's main problem is that its size makes it difficult to integrate its programs into the University's academic mission.

Because its work is so isolated from the rest of the University, officials said, students and non-participating faculty rarely reap the benefits of HIID's work.

The report says "overseeing a large number of advisory projects located throughout the world" had become a "formidable challenge" for Harvard. By putting the programs under the closer gaze of various schools, the University hopes to increase its oversight.

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