
Council Expels, Installs Burton

However, even after his expulsion, Burton's truancy remained a persistent problem.

Burton was present for less than one full Finance Committee (FiCom) meeting of the three scheduled for the weeks after his first expulsion, netting him a total of five and a half absences.


Even Burton's core of supporters said they are troubled by his frequent absences from council.

"I think [his absences are] problematic," said outgoing council Vice-President Kamil E. Redmond '00, who endorsed Burton in the recent election. "Hopefully, he's going to step up to the plate."

Outgoing President Noah Z. Seton '00 didn't mince words.

"He shouldn't be missing the meetings," Seton said. "Frankly, I'm upset by it."

After his first expulsion, Burton promised that he would never miss meetings if elected vice president.

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