
Senator With a Smile


"When they first started talking to me aboutcourse requirements, syllabi, and readings, Ithought they were speaking Egyptian," Simpsonquips.

Yet almost two years later, he says he relishesthe opportunity to work with students and makehimself accessible to student groups.

He and his wife Ann live in Eliot House andfrequent undergraduate classes--Mrs. Simpson was aregular in this spring's English 10b, "MajorBritish Writers II," taught by Porter UniversityProfessor Helen H. Vendler.

Alan Simpson praises Harvard students as the"finest" and "brightest" but commends what he seesas a zest for life.

"There are seven boys living across the hall[from us], and boy do they boogie. It makes meknow all is well," Simpson says.


He emphasizes that students should realize howprivileged they are to attend Harvard, and"remember the thousands who wanted to comehere...and put out a little extra, do a littlesomething more."

The Speech

Though Simpson might not have been the topchoice for Class Day speaker--Simpson himselfconfirms he tried to book John Glenn and CollinPowell--he promises that his speech will be"spirited and good humored."

"I'm going to tell [the students] that theyhave to get involved. The real issues [in theworld] are so loaded, and they have to beaddressed," he says.Courtesy of the Kennedy School of GovernmentPublic Relations OfficeON FRIENDLY TERMS:ALAN K. SIMPSONhugs former president GEORGE BUSH after an ARCOForum speech last year.

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