
Senator With a Smile


"Clinton's life is bounding from precipice toprecipice like a huge mountain goat, bridgingcrevasse after crevasse and people shooting at himwith high-powered rifles and the other sidecrumbling as he lands, just like in the movies."

Simpson...Young and Restless

After graduating from public high school in hishometown of Cody, Wyoming, Simpson was placed onfederal probation for shooting mailboxes andsubsequently spent a year at the Cranbrook Schoolin Michigan to "settle down."

With the intent of putting his rambunctiousyouth behind him, Simpson enrolled at theUniversity of Wyoming, only to get into afist-fight with another student.

The president of the University called theyoung 6'7" Simpson into his office and told himthat as a result of the incident, his name couldnot be in the Who's Who Among American CollegeStudents.


Simpson says of his college years "I have a bitof regret that I didn't address myself to theissues of the day. But there was the beginnings ofa creeping maturity."

He went on to graduate from the University ofWyoming in 1954 with a B.S. in Law and joined theArmy, a time Simpson deems, "hell on wheels."

After surviving his military stint, andsubsequently earning his law degree from theUniversity of Wyoming, Simpson joined his father'slegal practice.

"I took all the money and did all the work,"Simpson says. "I used my dad's name."

Drawing strength from his colorful past,Simpson has delighted both bigwig politicians andHarvard undergraduates alike with his own uniqueblend of self-deprecating and cutting, sarcastichumor.

He has found that his wit is not only effectivein engaging the public, but serves as a valuableasset in his political dealings as well.

"Humor is my sword and my shield," Simpsonsays. "Humor throws off opposition, they don'tknow what to do with you. Humor is a greatdefense."

Simpson Goes to Harvard

After his retirement from the Senate, Simpsoncame to Harvard as a Visiting Lecturer in theLaurence M. Lombard Chair, teaching a courseentitled "The Creating of Legislation: Congressand the Press."

Simpson was soon persuaded by Kennedy to headup the IOP and continue to teach at Harvard.

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