The Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Squareorganization that used to occasionally publish aso-called humor magazine, will be whooping it upat a year 2000 bash that will include a party atthe Fogg Art Museum and New Year's Day Brunch atCambridge's Upstairs at the Pudding.
The `Poon officially denied planning amillennial party when chief `Poonster Matthew C.Warburton'00 said, "New Year's Eve is landing on aFriday night this year, so I imagine I'll bewatching `Boy Meets World.'"
But the Crimson has obtained documentsannouncing the bash at the Fogg Art Museum--to befollowed by a "raucous party" at the 'Poon's BowStreet castle.
Sources at the Fogg Art Museum have confirmedthe `Poon's plans for a fete in the Museum'scourtyard.
Boston has shunned the grandiose party plansthat some cities have planned--Atlanta hadconsidered constructing a 600 foot tall steel"A"--in favor of more community-mindedundertakings.
The City of Boston has initiated a series ofprojects commissioned by Mayor Thomas Meninotitled "Boston 2000" that are aimed at improvingBostonians' quality of life while celebrating thenew millennium.
Michael Taylor, president of the non-profitcommunity group Boston 2000, says he hopes tofoster a working relationship between Boston'smedical professionals and the city's public schoolteachers to "be better prepared to teach [scienceand math] in an engaging way."
Boston has planned programs aimed at ensuringhealth care coverage for all children andimproving adult's access to appropriate screeningsfor cancer screenings.
Even though a community-improving agenda willbe the focus of the city's millennium celebration,Boston will keep a little of the fete spirit for2000.
The "First Night" revelries will be similar tothe city's New Year's celebrations of the past,but Boston 2000 will also throw a MillenniumFestival during the first two weeks in July 2000.
The festivities will include a road race,performances by the Boston Pops and Boston Balletin Franklin Park and millennium parties in harborneighborhoods on the evening of July 16, 2000,when the Tall Ships depart Boston Harbor.
Although Boston's academically inclinedneighbor, Cambridge, currently doesn't have anycelebratory plans scheduled to welcome the newmillennium, Diane Squires of the Cambridge Mayor'sOffice says more definite arrangements will beironed out soon