
Party Like It's 1999

Passengers will explore such remote areas as Angkor, Cambodia and the Republic of Yemen--the land of the legendary Queen of Sheba.


As Y2K questions dominate the press and countless books emerge on the history of the human race, Harvard's course catalog is following suit.

The Expository Writing Program spon- sored a course offering this past year entitled"Approaching the Millennium," and the History ofScience Department will feature a junior tutorialcalled "Apocalypse Now and Then: Science,Technology and Millennial Thought."

"Thanks to my upbringing as a Seventh DayAdventist, I've had a longstanding interest in howapocalyptic and millennial narratives arestructured," says tutorial leader Karl P. Hall.

Hall will seek to explore how these talesintersect with the contemporary concerns ofscientists and engineers.


The English Department will also be offeringtwo courses with year 2000 themes.

"Why Poetry Matters When the Century Ends:Wordsworth, Hardy and Heaney" will be offered nextfall by Cabot Professor of Aesthetics and theGeneral Theory of Value Elaine Scarry.

And Professor of English Daniel G. Donoghuewill teach "Anglo-Saxon Language and Culture: TheMillennium" in the fall.

Responding to a world in which Harvard studentsview their grades and dining hall selections onthe Web, the Internet Society will be sponsoring aconference next year to discuss the social impactof the Internet.

"The purpose is to provide a forum where peoplefrom within and outside the University can cometogether to discuss cutting edge issues related tohow the Internet is changing the way we live,"says Louise M. Ryan, a Society member andprofessor of biostatistics at the School of PublicHealth.


With many housing assignments still up in theair for September, few Houses have startedplanning a year 2000 celebration.

"We have not begun to think about next year,"says Diane A Barrios, assistant to the KirklandHouse masters.

Victoria R. Macy, of the Adams House office,says her House will hold off on making plans for amillennial celebration until after its recentlynamed masters have become acclimated to their newhome.

"I'm sure they'll have plenty of ideas aboutparties and other events, but it's too early tosay," Macy says.

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