
Brina Milikowsky '00

Lobbying support for sexual violence victims

"Once you get in [to it], you can't get out," she says of their activism. "The energy was just thriving and was addictive."

Although Milikowsky will be far from the front this summer while she works as a researcher-writer for Let's Go in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium, she says the coalition plans to continue its work in the fall. The group plans to work on instituting mandatory first-year outreaches during Orientation Week for future entering classes, to continue raising awareness on campus and to work towards a women's center that would provide vital services.

"That's a very long-term project," she says. This summer, several interns will lay the groundwork for the center. "No one expects any of this stuff to change while we're here," says Milikowsky, who will take next semester off to get some "space" away from Harvard before she embarks on her thesis.

Nevertheless, "it's incredibly gratifying to see how much has changed," she says.


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