
Harvard Pro., Skewers to Close, $6 Million Building to Be Developed on Site

Of the "Pro," Levitan said their proximity to student dorms was a concern for the University, but that it did not motivate the current action.

"It's a tough question," he said. "When Harvard bought the building the Pro was already there. Given that, we didn't ever take any action to extricate them from our property."

Indeed, HPRE is working with "Pro" owners to find a new home in Harvard Square--possibly in another Harvard-owned building.


Still, Levitan acknowledged that a liquor store makes a less-than-ideal University tenant.

"I don't think we would actively seek out a new tenant that was a liquor store if they didn't already have some history in our property," he says.

"It would be way down on our list of priorities to seek out a liquor store in one of our spaces, [there are] other uses that we would look more favorably on," he adds.

The new building will be around 23,000 square feet and cost between $5 and $6 million to construct.

According to zoning requirements the site can accommodate up to 5 stories, which could make its height similar to that of The Garage complex across the street.

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