
Harvard Pro., Skewers to Close, $6 Million Building to Be Developed on Site

As the University quickly approaches the completion of a successful $2.1 billion Capital Campaign, the new programs that have resulted are fueling the need for more space.

In recent years thousands of square feet and millions of dollars in new buildings have been planned and built as offshoots of the Campaign, the Maxwell-Dworkin computer science building and the Naito Chemistry Laboratory among them.


While Levitan said the tenants' leases were terminated, he said, "No one was surprised by our action at all. We've had cordial relations with our tenants [and there was] always an understanding that their tenancy was temporary at least for the past five years."

Skewers employees said yesterday that they had expected the move..

"We already knew they were going to do something, but we didn't know they would do it this quickly," said Ranbir Sangh.

While Sangh said Skewers is "absolutely" looking at other Square locations, he acknowledged they will miss the Mt. Auburn site.

"We've been doing very good here. We are concerned [about moving], and if we could, we would stay here," he said.

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