
Coalition Plans New Leadership Structure

"I think, especially with the end of Radcliffe,there has to be a change," McGaw said.

But Lewis said a women's center of this typewould contradict College nondiscrimination policy.

"It is our stance that all of Harvard belongsto all the students, and the creation of aseparate space for women (or for minoritystudents) would institutionalize the notion thatthe rest of Harvard does not fully belong tothem," Lewis wrote in the message.

Both McGaw and Lewis agreed that there was aproductive exchange of views but no concreteprogress made.

There was "no change of view on my part atleast on the broad question of a women's center,"Lewis wrote.


"We never got to a discussion of the `safespace' topic."

Wuchinich wrote that, while Lewis seemedinterested in their concerns, he was not ready tocommit to any major change anytime soon.

"I did not feel that he agreed with ourarticulation of the problem or understood theextent to which the university's policy of notestablishing centers for marginalized studentpopulations to build community is a form ofdiscrimination," she wrote

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