
Coalition Plans New Leadership Structure

This was "the only time we were able to workout to fit in with the other training and proctororientation," Fox said. "I'm pleased that we'reable to get three hours set aside."

Fox said the sessions will probably focus onhoning the tutors' listening and counseling skillsand making them aware of the resources availableon campus. Speakers will most likely includeexperts from the University Health Services (UHS),the Bureau of Study Counsel and outside rapecrisis resource centers, according to Fox.

SASH advisors will brainstorm with Fox and somestudents from the Coalition about the content ofthe sessions in the next few weeks.

In addition, there will be additions to the"Building A Safe Community" meeting that allfirst-years must attend during orientation.

Assistant Dean of Freshman Sarah B. Drummondwrote in an e-mail message that this presentation,about a third of which will be devoted todiscussion about rape, will include informationabout Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) classes,sexual assault prevention and resources availableto those who have been assaulted.


She said the coalition has not caused theFreshman Dean's Office (FDO) to change itsorientation policies significantly, but "thecoalition has served to remind the FDO howimportant it is to provide education tofirst-years about the prevalence of rape oncampus."

Coalition members met with Dean of the CollegeHarry R. Lewis '68 and other administrators onFriday to discuss the creation of a women'scenter.

"We had a good meeting at which a number ofideas were put on the table," Lewis wrote in ane-mail message. "Most of the time was devoted totalking about much broader notions of a women'scenter and what purpose [coalition]members thoughtit might serve."

In the original eight demands submitted inFebruary, the coalition demanded a women's centerwith administrative offices, a health-care clinic,peer counseling groups and a 24-hour rape crisiscenter.

They are currently focusing on the aspects ofthe center that would create a sense of communitybetween women at Harvard, not just provide a "safespace" for victims of sexual violence. The centerwould ideally be "institutionally supported" witha full time staff, McGaw said. But, she added, thecoalition has not discussed the details.

"We wanted to make sure that Deans Lewis andFox understood that our vision is for more thanimproved `advising, counseling and advocacy'services," Rosslyn Wuchinich `99, one of theCoalition founders, wrote in an e-mail message.

"We are concerned with the lack of support andcommunity for that large segment of the studentpopulation whose experiences are `unspeakable' and`invisible' almost everywhere on campus," sheadded.

The women's center would offer women a place togather and find support.

"We talked a lot about how it's important tobuild community," McGaw said. "Knowing thatthere's somewhere where the administration willlisten to you" is important.

She said the center would show "aninstitutional commitment to femaleundergraduates."

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