
My Kingdom for Richard III

In Love With the Bard

One of the more exciting aspects of the show for the actors is the experience of performing Shakespeare.

Shakespeare is an amazing poet who makes the meaning of every line clear, in contrast to modern drama, where a lot is left unsaid, Henley-Cohn says.


"He makes it clear for you what you need to do," he says about incorporating the language and emotions Shakespeare wrote into his own character.

"Shakespeare has a way of drawing you into the time and place," whereas more modern plays tend to lose that illusion, Parris says.

The actors say the language is a treat because it is new to them. Some have performed Shakespeare before, but they say his writing is timeless and always a thrill.

"Shakespeare is basically a discovery process," says Kornell. "I don't know if anyone will ever discover every meaning Shakespeare had, but that's what's exciting about it."

Curtain Call

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