"It was a fun idea," Pershouse says. "I thinkpeople got into the novelty of it."
People wore such tactile fabrics as leather,vinyl, velvet and silk. Pershouse says animportant feature of the event was the "suggestiveinvitation" that people could send to "theircrushes."
For two successive years, other Adams suiteshave carried on this tradition, Pershouse says.
Finally, there is always the possibility ofgetting creative with parties during theweek--namely, study breaks.
Jess S. Downs '00 and Alexandra C. Budabin '00hosted a Halloween study break in their CanadayHall room during their first-year. In preparationfor the event, they painted gravestones on theceiling and walls with Tide detergent, which glowsin black lights. Each gravestone was marked bypersonalized anecdotes representing each personin the entryway, says Downs.
"It was fantastic," Budabin says. She says onecross-country runner's gravestone read that he ranhimself to death, while a computer sciencestudent's tombstone read that he had "Quaked"himself to death