
College Lacks Adequate Resources for Rape Crises

"Although getting to the hospital was incredibly difficult, until UHS has some kind of professional rape crisis center, I would recommend that any survivor do the same. The quality of care was worth it once I arrived," she wrote in an e-mail message.

The System

But both women say the services provided are just as important as the type of counseling offered.


"It is of the utmost importance that someone who has been sexually assaulted have a positive experience the first time they are able to pick up the phone and seek help," wrote the woman who was assaulted by Douglas.

The woman whom Douglas sexually assaulted chose Response as her initial contact following the incident.

"I called the hotline because I was on the verge of complete mental and emotional collapse," she wrote. "I was hyperventilating and I needed to talk to someone who I knew would be experienced and levelheaded enough to talk me down and give me advice."

She says the group proved to be a great source of both information and advice.

In an e-mail message to The Crimson, a member of Response says the group takes different roles in various students' healing processes.

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