
Baseball Looks to Add Third Notch to Ivy Belt

Around the Horn

Harvard only loses one infielder, but at times, Dave Forst '98 seemed more like two.


"Forst was important, to say the least," said senior second baseman Peter Woodfork. "He was a captain and a leader--but we're all capable of doing the job and hopefully it'll work out."

The slick-fielding Forst made his living for three years vacuuming ground balls off O'Donnell Field, but blossomed during his senior campaign into a .406 hitter who set a new school mark for hits in a season with 67.

Into that huge gap steps freshman Nick Carter, of La Jolla, Calif., who will represent the only underclassman link in the infield of junior first baseman Erik Binkowski, Woodfork and captain Hal Carey at the hot corner.

So how will the 6-4-3 look?

"He's looked good so far," Carey said. "Hopefully the chemistry in the infield is going to be the same."

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