
A Rare Welsh Bit

THC: I know this is also the third that's been released in America. How do you think your sound has changed over the course of those albums?

EC: Well, we started off when we were 16, so obviously we play a bit better now than when we were 16. We were only starting to play our instruments, so obviously that's changed.

MC: I think we're a lot more competent on things like acoustic guitars, and we do a lot more live recordings, live songs. We can actually all play together with a song and record it live and that affects the natural sound of our albums as well.


THC: Is that how your approach to music has now kind of changed? Is it more live then?

EC: The album was, Spanish Dance Troupe, cause the songs were good and that's what the songs needed. It was based on the band so I couldn't see much point in recreating the band thing when you had the band in the studio in the first place.

THC: Makes sense.

EC: Yeah, exactly! We play live a lot so we could pass that off in the studio.

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