
Administrators Stress Safety at Alcohol Panel

Officials clarify UHS confidentiality policy in forum


That protection extends to any intoxicated friends who seek help for a friend, Drummond said.


However, if officials discover other violations related to the call for help--if they find a student is dealing drugs at a party, for instance, or assaults a police officer while intoxicated--it could lead to disciplinary action.

Once students arrive at UHS, they are protected by a strict confidentiality policy, Rosenthal said. UHS will contact the FDO or a senior tutor to inform them that a student has been admitted, but does not disclose the reason for admittance.

The only time that the doctor-patient confidentiality is not as strict, Rosenthal said, is when a student's life is in danger.

"If there is felt to be a life-threatening situation, the physician has to make a call [as to] whether parents or guardians are notified," Rosenthal said.

More students have been brought into UHS for drinking so far this year than in either of the past two years, Rosenthal said.

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