
Administrators Stress Safety at Alcohol Panel

Officials clarify UHS confidentiality policy in forum

A forum on Harvard's alcohol policy last night emphasized that student safety was the administration's chief concern--and that confidentiality was integral to dealing with alcohol-related problems.

"We take [drinking] lightly, but it's a matter of life-and-death," UHS Director David S. Rosenthal '59 told a mostly empty lecture hall in the Science Center.

The forum, sponsored by Project ADD, brought together representatives from the Harvard University Police Department, University Health Services (UHS), the Freshman Dean's Office (FDO) and undergraduate Houses to answer questions from students.


Though the panel was meant to help students understand the sometimes confusing policy, only about 20 students showed up.

Most of the hour-long forum focused on the consequences of a student calling for help.

The bottom line, speakers said, is that students' safety is the first priority.

Students should never hesitate to seek help for an intoxicated friend, officials emphasized, as no student in recent memory has faced disciplinary action for underage drinking alone.

"We will never take disciplinary action against a student solely for underage drinking," Assistant Dean of Freshmen Sarah B. Drummond

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