
The Ice Men Carveth

"We don't need any awards to tell us that we are doing a good job," Georgs asserts vigorously. "Plus, those things are all politics anyway."

"Some people think fancy equipment or trophies make the artist," Fontecchio says distastefully.

He holds up a few noticeably weathered chisels that he has used for years to prove otherwise.


"It's all about creativity and originality," he continues. "That's what determines a good sculptor."

"And experience," Georgs adds sharply. "You can be a good artist and not be a good sculptor."

"Yeah, and experience," Fontecchio nods. "That's what really does it."

He pauses for a moment.

"When I first started," he continues suddenly, "it took me eight hours to carve a simple fish. Now I could do one that is three times better in about an hour."

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