
The Ice Men Carveth

The ice sculpting process begins with a rectangular block of solid ice. The carvers sketch a rough outline onto the block with a black marker, and use a chainsaw to make a rough carving of the design. For details, they use finer hand-held chisels.

"There are a lot of steps to the process," Fontecchio remarks. "Even before you begin, sometimes you have to go to the library to do your homework and come up with a design."


Georgs, leaning against a workbench, brightens as he begins to recall some of the more unusual sculptures he has carved.

"We have done the likeness of a few people for their funerals," he says loudly, trying to drown out the hum of the freezer's fans. "We'll do really anything the customer wants."

After a long description of more memorable work, Georgs lists a few famous customers.

"We've done work for two presidents, too--Bush and Clinton," Georgs says.

Despite their expertise, Fontecchio and Georgs say they never enter ice- sculpting competitions.

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