
Mail Center Troubles Highlight 'Casual' Problem

This arbitration process includes Mohammed presenting his case to a Local Problem Solving Team which includes University and union officials as well as a few outside experts.

This process is still ongoing, and should produce a result by the end of the year. The team will either approve Mohamed's termination or rule that he was unfairly let go and should be rehired


When Push Came to Shove?

The process which Mohammed's appeal to HUCTW set in motion also affected other mail center employees.

Mazariegos was another casual mail center worker, a veteran of other work at the Business School.

Mazariegos says the announcement that casuals would have to interview for full-time jobs made her tense in the workplace.

"The mailroom reorganization plan has everyone fearing the loss of their jobs, and walking on egg-shells, fearing that any small thing can be used as an excuse for not rehiring us into the reclassified position," she wrote of her mindset last spring in a statement.

Into that "emotionally charged environment," as she termed it, walked a pair of students asking questions about casual labor problems, according to a University investigation which concluded last spring.

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