
Fourth Meal Possible in the Distant Future

Boston Globe incorrectly reports the extra meal as definite

Still, Ware said the Masters might discuss the topic simply because of the article.

"I was not aware it was happening," he said. "I thought, gee, are we that far ahead?"


Alixandra E. McNitt, assistant director for marketing and communications for HUDS, said there is no way the fourth meal could start this year because the board rates have already been set.

"We don't have a fix on when it would happen," she said. "It all depends on what improvements are requested. What kind of value can we bring without compromising the program?"

Students said they were disappointed the fourth meal is not coming as soon as they had thought.

"I think it's a fantastic idea. I'm just sad I'm going to graduate before it happens," Ariana J. Silverman '99-'00 said.

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