
Fourth Meal Possible in the Distant Future

Boston Globe incorrectly reports the extra meal as definite

Currently, seven Houses regularly offer some sort of late-night option. Winthrop, Leverett, Lowell, Adams, Cabot, Currier and Pforzheimer leave out drinks or food items for insomniacs and studying students.

Cabot House Master James H. Ware said all of the Quad Houses made an effort this year to make sure there would be food Sunday through Thursday nights.

"The Houses are all moving to having something at night," Ware said. "The practice is spreading."


But these snacks come from the House Committee and House masters' budgets, not the board plan. Although this only amounts to a few hundred dollars a week, Ware said masters would like to see the fourth meal as part of regular HUDS options.

"Right now it's in an experimental mode and we're happy to do it," Ware added.

According to Mayer, many of the Masters have expressed interest in paring down breakfast in order to free up more resources for the midnight meal.

The Globe article said that the House Masters would decide on Wednesday what the fourth meal would look like.

According to Ware, the Masters' meeting is a regular scheduled monthly event, and because Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles will be attending this meeting, the fourth meal is not on the top of the agenda.

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