
Multiracial Students Struggle With Identities

"I've got to experience a lot firsthand that a lot of people who aren't multicultural, multiracial, don't get to experience so closely," Dunwell says.

Isaac J. Weiler '02, whose mother is white and Jewish and whose father is black, says that his background allows him to have a "unique perspective."


"The best part is I can see different issues from different angles," says Weiler, one of the organizers of an "Hyphenated Jew Discussion" held at Hillel last week for students who only have one Jewish parent.

Branch, meanwhile, appreciates the versatility of her background, saying that she is like a "chameleon."

"You have the option of adopting one when it's convenient," Branch says.

But some students say they avoid "choosing sides" by focusing on themselves as individuals.

Adjudua, of Nigerian and Ukrainian parentage, says she has struggled with her black-white identity.

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