
Interracial Dating

"Race is an important thing in dating, but the more important thing is what the person is inside, as opposed to their skin color," adds Isaac J. Weiler '02.

The biggest problem of interracial dating, students say, is gaining acceptance from family members or those back home.


Sackeyfio, whose father is Ghanaian and whose mother is Scottish, says that she was subject to a lot of harassment in high school because she had two white boyfriends at different times.

"The black kids all made fun of me and harassed me," she says.

Maya Sen '00, whose mother is Mexican and whose father is Indian, says she encountered a problem her freshman year in high school, when she was going out with a white boy in Indiana.

"He didn't want to introduce me to his grandparents," she says.

Sen ended up breaking up with the guy.

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