QUESTION 3: The fate of any Internet startup is largely determined by its Web site. In what aspect of Web site development should you allocate most of the company's resources? A) Developing a user-friendly design; B) Creating innovative back-end code; C) Integrating corporate data with outside sources; D) Figuring out how to morally justify your decision to redirect traffic from porn sites.
QUESTION 4: Your corporate Web site is not only a way to reach out to potential clients, but can also generate revenue through advertising. How can you increase hits to your Web site so that you maximize on-line ad profits? A) Use regular updates to force clients to return to your page; B) Pique public interest through carefully leaked reports to The Crimson; C) Give away free T-shirts at the CityStep Ball; D) Tell your employees to turn off cookies and hit reload like there's no tomorrow.
QUESTION 5: Before hitting the big time, your company must first overcome what obstacle to growth of epic proportions? A) The Sherman Anti-Trust Act; B) Barriers to entry set up by your roommate's competing firm; C) The Ad Board; D) All of the above.
QUESTION 6: You've almost hit the big time! But internal dissension is tearing your company apart. Specifically, your employees are sick of working for free. How do keep morale up without actually paying wages? A) Promise to distribute even more non-existent stock options; B) Give them all a business cards and a "Chief (blank) Officer" title; C) Beer; D) Screw it. Dump those deadweights and poster the campus, advertising your new "comp."
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