
The Candidates: Who They Are, Where They Stand

Jim Braude, 50

Endorsements: Greater Boston Labor Council, NOW, DSA, Lavender Alliance, Cambridge Civic Association, Progressive Massachusetts/New Party.


A former legal services tenant lawyer, Braude is now a media and political consultant. His goals include removing personal conflict from Council discussions, spending money on affordable housing and public schools, and forwarding a "strong mayor" system for Cambridge.

Candidate statement: "The works of which I am most proud...have occurred with organized labor and organized students in the driver's seat. If students want to become engaged in improving their city, they should give me their number one vote."

James M. Williamson, 48

Williamson has been a member of local Democratic groups, tenants' rights groups, building preservation societies and other local activist groups. He wants to restore and extend affordable housing, put a one-year moratorium on commercial real-estate developments, renegotiate the "payment in lieu of taxes" agreement with Harvard, and look for a new city manager.

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