
The Candidates: Who They Are, Where They Stand

Endorsements: Cambridge Republican City Committee; Republican Liberty Caucus

The chair of the Cambridge Republican City Committee, Trumbull's platform is greater personal freedom and less government interference in people's lives. He is involved in several community organizations.

Candidate statement: I stand for freedom. Every incumbent councilor believes that the City Council knows better than you do how you ought to live. I am independent of the small but vocal special interests that now run City Hall.


David Hoicka

Hoicka, active in local Democratic groups, has helped put three referendums on the ballot that won overwhelmingly. His major issue is that of rent stabilization.

Candidate statement: "A lot of politicians go out and say that they are wonderful and better than everyone else, I have a more cooperative approach. No one person can do it alone. I am looking to get as many like-minded people as I can."

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