
Molly Shannon: Finally a Superstar

THC: Was physical comedy ever big for you? Or did you develop that as you developed the character?

MS: Well, I was not that into the falling and stuff. That just sort of came with the sketch. I don't like the physical stuff, 'cause it gets scary, hard, and you do get bruised. But, I really was sort of a clumsy person myself. I ate a lot of Captain Crunch and drank a lot of Coke so I was always a very spastic kid. I was always knocking things over in my own house and banging my head. Captain Crunch is the best. It makes me too shaky because it's so sugary - Captain Crunch with berries... mmm, and with peanut butter...oh no, it's just so delicious!

THC: Do you have plans to focus now more on making movies rather than on being on television, since you've had your first big movie come out?

MS: No, I really like television. I like both TV and movies. It doesn't make any difference as long as you have a good project.


THC: How do you feel about working with Jim Carrey and Ron Howard in How the Grinch Stole Christmas?

It's amazing. It's like an A movie. Jim Carrey is so nice. When he hosted the show I was a little shy, definitely startstruck - he's so talented. And Ron Howard is the nicest guy - he is truly a great director and just a pro. Jim approaches comedy very seriously, but he's really cool, down to earth, and I have so much respect for him. So I feel a little intimidated - I guess like I'm not worthy.

THC: Now that you've done so many movies, what would you say is one of the most embarrassing moments that you ever had during them?

MS: Oh! When I was doing Mary Katherine Gallagher, I was really tired and I would have my uniform on all day and we would be working like 16 hours a day. One night I was really tired (and you have a guy that drives you from your set to your hotel). I forgot to take my costume off and I just hopped into the car and said, "Can we stop at Starbucks?" He didn't notice I had my full uniform on, and I went to get a coffee and there's a giant line and people are looking at me. They recognized me from SNL, but here I have my outfit on, so I thought - oh no, do they think I'm like wearing it out now - that's so corny.

THC: If you had to describe yourself in terms of the characters that you've played on SNL, would you say you're more like Mary Catherine Gallagher, Circe Nightshade, or Monica Lewinsky?

MS: Probably closer to Mary Catherine, because I guess I get fiesty and I have intense energy and I'm determined myself in my own life. So no dark side to you, then? Oh, yes I have a dark side too - yes, a very dark side.

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