


When Adams tightens their bans, not only are Quadlings majorly inconvenienced, but so are those of us who live in Quincy House. Since Adams started enforcing their ban last week, Quincy dining hall at noon has become a complete zoo. I had to wait five minutes today just to get my card swiped, and then it's almost impossible to find a place to sit, especially if one wants to have enough seats to be able to sit with friends.

While we in Quincy House welcome our Quadling brethren and would never enforce the interhouse policy that's officially on the books, the overcrowding is getting out of control. I really find it incredibly selfish and arrogant that some Adams residents care only about their own housemates and aren't willing to admit interhouse diners to help alleviate the congestion elsewhere.

I hope that the residents of Adams House will have a change of heart and accept their classmates who are not fortunate to live so close to the Yard instead of maintaining their "I-live-closer-than-you-so-there" attitude and making lunchtime congestion in Quincy House double.


Benjamin I. Krefetz '00

Oct. 4, 1999


To the editors:

Regarding the recent initiative to ban Adams House residents from eating at Pforzheimer, there's just one point I'd like some clarification on. Pforzheimer: Isn't that that Vietnamese restaurant in The Garage?

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