


Please feel free to contact us, for whatever reason, any night of the week by phone from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. (5-9600) or to drop by our room in the basement of Lowell House F-Entry any night between 8 p.m. and midnight. We strongly believe that if something is bothering you, it's serious enough to call.

We commend Janis for her regard for these issues. We hope that we have clarified our role and the serious commitment that our entire staff holds to helping those who seek us out and to creating a strong support network for dealing with sexual violence at Harvard.

The Response Co-Directors


October 7, 1999

Due to the sensitive nature of the work of Response counselors, the staff chooses to remain anonymous.

Adamsians Selfish

To the Editors:

I am writing to express my annoyance at the selfishness of the Adams House residents who support the recent decision to more strictly enforce their no interhouse dining policy by adding stickers to Adams residents' ID cards.

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