
Ventura Speech Packs Forum

From politics to veggies, Minn. Gov. sounds off

He said that in characterizing people who follow an organized religion "weak-minded," "there's not necessarily a bad connotation to being weak-minded." He said that people seeking sanctuary in a faith can find peace. "But I generally don't need it," he said.

Pressed by Hardball host Chris Matthews, Ventura said he indeed believed in God.


"[People say] that I believe in a higher power because I believe in fate," Ventura said.

Three times yesterday, Ventura told audiences that he had "no sympathy" for people who attempt suicide.

"If you're at the point of committing suicide, it can only get better," said Ventura.

Asked by reporters why residents in Minnesota say they don't favor him as much as they used to, Ventura said he doesn't have to listen to the polls.

"It was interesting how the poll happened immediately after the Playboy controversy," he said.

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