
Fundraising Leaders Strategize For Future Drives

"When you spread it out [over 9 schools and several initiatives] it's not that large an amount," said Campaign Chair Rita E. Hauser.

The Future

University Provost Harvey V. Fineberg '67 described yesterday's event as an opportunity to look at how Harvard could deepen the relationships it has with its alumni and friends.


Those involved with the process said the University could be even more successful if it went out of its way to travel to donors and alumni and involved them in the process--known in the technical terms as improved "cultivation" and "stewardship" of donors.

We should "find ways where our alumni can contribute their ideas and criticism of programs, centers, departments and schools," Fineberg said.

He is looking into pulling together a provost's council, modeled after the

dean's councils at the various schools, that would enable alumni to participate in the discussions and directly advise the central administration.

Alumni are moving further from Cambridge; more and more women are joining the ranks of Harvard graduates. Harvard's fundraising efforts, Fineberg said, should reflect these changes--by holding more fundraising meetings on the West Coast and abroad and by soliciting money from more women in leadership positions.

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