
With Nation Watching, Ventura Comes to Harvard

So it's no surprise that Ventura's presence in front of a Harvard audience is expected to deliver ratings for Matthews' up-and-coming television program.

According to Bob Reichblum, the CNBC executive who is producing tonight's "Hardball," the format of the hour-long show will be loosely structured to include plenty of repartee between the governor and the students.


Reichblum says he wants a spirited broadcast.

"As a good producer, you want a place where there are people who feel passionately about issues and subjects,"

he said. "We'd be foolish if we didn't take advantage of the talents of Harvard students."

According to Reichblum, Matthews and the governor will be seated on a platform at the center of the forum surrounded by the audience.

Later in the program, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and IOP Director Alan K. Simpson will join Matthews and Ventura onstage as guests.

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