
Athlete of the Week: Jessica A. Larson `00

"Her position is such a key because the direction and shape of the offense starts with her," co-captain Beth Zotter said. "She has great vision and has been the anchor for us."

Additionally, Larson's sensational defensive play has thwarted numerous goal-scoring opportunities for the Crimson's opposition. Her consistency has given Harvard the confidence to attack at will on offense.


"One of the reasons we can play [so aggressively] is that Jess Larson is so difficult to beat one-on-one," Coach Tim Wheaton said.

"She's so strong, so intense and so consistent," Zotter said. "She gives us the confidence to go forward on offense."

But perhaps Larson's main contribution has been her leadership on a young Crimson team. Along with Zotter, Larson has led the squad--which frequently plays up to six freshmen at a time--by example, playing to her maximum each and every day.

"She is truly amazing," Totman said. "She is such a great leader. She is the core of our team."

For her excellent play, leadership and dedication, The Crimson is pleased to honor Jess Larson as its Athlete of the Week.

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