
Radcliffe to Take Control of Agassiz

But the piece of land is located past Peabody Terrace.

"Personally, I would hate to think that the alternative as a performance space to the wonderfully central Agassiz Theatre is a site on Western Avenue, which is neither a convenient nor especially safe commute from the center of undergraduate life," Lewis writes in an e-mail message.


While few in the know dismiss the possibility of a new theater at the Mahoney site, most concur it wouldn't be ideal for students.

"I'd hate to be a theater person living in Pfortzheimer," Illingworth says.

And according to one Harvard official, a faculty-administration committee examining possibilities for the site briefly considered using the land for a new undergraduate theater. But the group quickly rejected that plan, deciding the site is too far for daily student use.

Instead, University officials may rethink how space is allocated altogether.

"It's a complicated question," Symonds says. "We have a number of spaces that were not using full time--the Loeb, for example."

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