
Radcliffe to Take Control of Agassiz

The Hasty Pudding Club has opened its stage to undergraduate productions in addition to their annual burlesque show, and what was the Adams House Pool has been converted into a theater space for smaller scale productions.

And then there's Agassiz.


The End of an Era

Nestled in the heart of Radcliffe Yard, the Agassiz boasts a moderately sized stage, room for an orchestra and a shop in the basement for building sets.

The theater's old-fashioned interior--elaborate cream-colored moldings, huge glass windows and decorative chandeliers--stands in sharp contrast to the more contemporary-styled Loeb.

Alan P. Symonds, technical director for college theater programs, calls it a "space with character" and a theater "unique to campus."

And students don't seem to mind Agassiz's shortcomings--some obstructed views, mediocre acoustics and limited space in the wings.

"These problems aren't that bad, and they can be worked out," says Matthew B. Denman '00-'01, technical director for Harvard Theater Advisory Group (HTAG). " It's a very nice space to go up in."

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