Maloney said that the city has been working for several years to get the AAA rating from Standard & Poor's.
"We're quite pleased with the upgrade," he said.
The city was first awarded the AAA designation by Moody's in the early 1990s and by Fitch last month, Maloney said.
In a press release, City Manager Robert W. Healy called the ratings "truly gratifying."
Healy stressed that this newest AAA rating will allow the City Council to focus on policy issues in the near future.
"The AAA rating ensures that the priorities of the City Council, such as affordable housing, open space acquisition and a new main library and police headquarters can be achieved," he said.
Healy has come under fire this year, as three city councillors--Kenneth E. Reeves '72, Timothy J. Toomey Jr. and Katherine Triantafillou--voted to not give the city manager a new contract Sept. 13.
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