
Hasty Pudding Graduate Board Bans Alcohol From Club

In terms of why the graduate board decided to go ahead with the change, even their undergraduate leaders are unclear on the motivation.

Wu said liquor liability was probably important in the decision, and Decherd heard there was a problem with fire code violations.

"I've heard a lot of stories," Wu said. "They've been willing to talk but a lot of it just comes down to logistics--just seeing them in person is tough."


Wu added that the lack of communication may have given the graduates, who heard about the rowdiness of the Pudding a few years ago, an inaccurate picture of the club.

Sheerr said signs last year pointed to the fact that graduates were worried about the club, but no one expected this extreme reaction.

"Last year was the first year the grad board required that we have a bartender," Sheerr said.

These changes may alter the state of the club, but most members said they fully support the graduate board's decision.

"It's refreshing to see the graduate board concerned with having some depth to it rather than being a purely festive institution," Edward B. "Ted" Fienning '01 said.

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