
Uncovering the Riches Outside the Courses of Instruction

Spent your teenage years playing Sim City? Then this could be the course for you.

Course 4330, "The Paradigm of the Metropolis in the Twentieth Century Department of Urban Planning and Design," is an interdisciplinary approach to studying cities.


Culminating in the study of the "Mega-City," the course will use sociology, psychology, and social theory to help students understand the evolution of cities.

The course will covers European and North American urban development from the traditional, pre-19th century town to modern America.

Francesca Rogier teaches the course from 9 a.m. to noon in the room 510 at GSD.


If you have trouble deciding on just one area of concentration, course T-210E at the Graduate School of Education will let you combine three and integrates a bit of playtime.

"Exploring Water through Ways of Doing Art and Physics," taught by Elizabeth Cavicchi, uses art and experimentation with water to demonstrate investigative learning.

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