
Berkowitz to Stay Additional Year

Nesson releases names of ad hoc tenure committee

"Extensions are not a rarity," Turano said."There are half a dozen or more a year."

According to Turano, the decision to grantBerkowitz an extension was based on a staffingneed within the Government Department. Turanostressed that the extension decision was madeindependent of any legal considerations.

Berkowitz refused to rule-out the possibilityof future legal action against the University.

"Who knows what the future will bring?" hesaid.

Nesson, who described himself as Berkowitz's"legal adviser and increasingly his friend,"indicated that he would be a party to any legaldiscussions.


"[The decision to grant Berkowitz's request foran extension] strikes me as Harvard trying to dothe right thing," Nesson said.

"Had they not renewed his contract in order toscore a point or to hurt Peter, that would havebeen the wrong thing," Nesson continued. "They didthe right thing, and I give them credit."

Kenan Professor of Government Harvey C.Mansfield '53, who taught a course with Berkowitzand endorsed his tenure bid, said he wished hiscolleague were having more success finding andacademic position outside Harvard.

"I will be very glad to have [Berkowitz]teaching at Harvard for another year, but I amdisappointed that, despite his wonderful record ofpublication, he has been unable to find a teachingposition else-where," Mansfield said

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