
Berkowitz to Stay Additional Year

Nesson releases names of ad hoc tenure committee

The members of the ad hoc committee give theiropinions at the end of the meetings, but do notvote, according to Huppe. At some point followingthe meeting, Rudenstine and Knowles meet and thenRudenstine personally makes the final tenuredecision.

Although the University prefers to keep thetenure process shrouded in secrecy, Nesson said hehas no qualms about publishing the names on theInternet.

"I didn't feel any particular obligation [tothe University]," he said. "What is my obligation?I can't even find any confidentiality rule."

When asked whether he felt confident of thenames revealed by Lenzner, Nesson said, "I'mcertainly confident enough to feel that it'sappropriate for me to say these are the names aswe believe them."

Nesson said he had not been contacted by theUniversity regarding his publication of the namesand did not expect Harvard to contact him.


"I expect the University to act with proprietyand complete professional correctness," he said."I don't expect to play or be victim of dirtytricks or back room pressure."

One More Year

Yesterday, Berkowitz said he was happy to bestaying at Harvard as a junior Faculty member foran additional year.

"I appreciate the one-year renewal," Berkowitzsaid.

Berkowitz has been embroiled in an on-goingbattle with the University after being deniedtenure last spring by President Neil L.Rudenstine.

"I think it's wonderful," said Nesson ofBerkowitz's extension. "I think it speaks well forHarvard and speaks well for Peter."

Despite speculation to the contrary, Berkowitzsaid he has not brought a lawsuit against theUniversity and is not being officially representedby Nesson.

Term extensions for junior Faculty members areprocessed by the Office of Academic Affairs onbehalf of Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles.

At least one year before their contracts arescheduled to expire, Faculty members can requestthe extensions, which are granted by theUniversity based on departmental recommendations.

Extensions are granted based on reasons likenew parenthood, medical needs and staffingpurposes, said Toni Turano, assistant dean foracademic planning, who processed Berkowitz'srequest.

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