
S. African Jurist Talks At Bunting

A clinical psychologist, Gobodo-Madikizelaanalyzed the perpetrators in terms of "splitting"and projection of their fears and guilt ontoothers.

"Typically the perpetrators blame the victimfor the atrocities they committed," she said.

After the lecture, Gobodo-Madikizela fended offquestions about the effectiveness of the TRC. Thecommittee was the product of a compromise betweenofficials who advocated the criminal courts andthose who believed the justice system was tooinfluenced by apartheid.

"Because it is a compromise, it is notperfect," she said. "I am convinced that for many,many victims, this was a better way."

Others commented on the powerful content of herspeech.


"I found your presentation grueling and verymoving," one attendee said.CrimsonChristopher A. AmarTALKING ABOUT TRUTH: PUMLAGOBODO-MADIKIZELA, a member of South Africa'sTruth and Reconciliation Commission, speaks at theBunting Institute last night.
