In a recent interview with The Crimson, Dean ofStudents Archie C. Epps III said he supportsmaking UHS's policies more public.
"We should be more upfront with people about[UHS's abortion policies,]" he said.
McShea says she took the time to print and postfliers to promote awareness on campus.
"I probably wouldn't have even known what wasgoing on with UHS's abortion policies untilsomeone pointed out [Choi's] article to me," shesays.
McShea has also sent an e-mail message to UHS,requesting a reimbursement for her money.
"I realize that any hope of excluding abortionfrom the UHS health care plan is unreasonable,"she says. "But in principle, I don't want to betied to abortion in any way."
Knowing the Options
Students who believe abortions should beavailable to students agree that the subsidiesneed to be more widely publicized.
"To make the option more available, maybe theproviso needs to be written in larger print sopeople realize their options," Thompson says.
Gina M. Ocon '98-'00, who opted against anabortion, deciding to balance her life as astudent and a mother, says she was also unaware ofUHS's abortion policies--even after she testedpositive in a UHS-administered pregnancy test.
"I didn't find out about UHS's abortionpolicies until Daybreak, what used to be apregnancy-crisis center, told me that UHS offersthe services," she says. "I was shocked to findout that part of an abortion would be paid for."
"If I was a pregnant student and was not eventold about UHS's abortion procedure until after myfirst counseling session, UHS obviously needs toimprove the communication of its policies to itsstudents. Especially so pregnant mothers knowtheir exact options," Ocon says.
Health at Harvard and Beyond
Rosenthal says UHS's method of incorporatingabortion into its health plan is similar to anyother institution with health guidelines.
"There has not been any significant debate overUHS's abortion procedures," he says. "Most healthplans across the nation handle this issue the sameway."
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