"UHS's subsidy is a good policy because it does not take away the choice of an abortion from those who can't afford one," she says.
UHS only subsidizes abortions administered at Planned Parenthood/Preterm, Women's Health Services and Crittenton House facilities.
"Nadja Gould, [a clinical social worker at UHS], screens abortion clinics to determine which are most reliable and have the best resources for our students," Rosenthal says.
Gould was not available for comment.
Funding Health Services
According to the UHS Insurance Office, Harvard students are not required to join UHS's Blue Cross/Blue Shield health plan if they already have compatible insurance that covers Massachusetts state health requirements. But all Harvard students must pay the HealthService Fee unless classified as a "travelingscholar," who is residing out-of-state, UHSofficials say. One additional loophole exists. A provisoallows those opposed to abortions the option torequest a refund of money they pay that wouldotherwise contribute to the subsidies. "In the UHS Student Guide, there is a provisofor anyone disagreeing with the concept ofabortion," Rosenthal says. "The few pennies thatthe students paid in their fee that would gotowards abortions will be returned to them." Communication Breakdown? Rosenthal says although this option is easilyavailable for students, few take advantage of it. But Bronwen C. McShea '02, who says she opposesabortion, says the small number of reimbursementrequests reflects Harvard students' lack ofknowledge about UHS' procedures. McShea says she did not know about UHS's policyon abortion nor its proviso for refunds until sheread Choi's opinion piece published in The Crimsonlast Friday, "UHS's Silence on Abortion." Last Sunday, McShea began posting fliers aroundcampus which announce: "UHS funds studentabortions with YOUR money." McShea says she agrees with Choi that UHSshould make its abortion policy more public andwell-known throughout campus. "I personally object to abortions," she says."And I think that if you object to them, that youshould know from the beginning that some of themoney you pay [to UHS] finances abortions." Read more in News