
Bay State Readies Ballot Boxes

Capuano nears finish of eighth district race on top

Teebagy, who lives outside the Eighth Districtin Arlington, started campaigning for Capuano whenhe was first running for Somerville mayor.

Now, she sports a battle scar in the shape of abulky cast on her left foot, which she says camefrom hitting the streets for Capuano.

"He's done an awful lot for the city ofSomerville," she said.

"He remembers where he comes from," Coelhoagreed.

Home Again


In the last days before the vote, the Capuanocampaign focused more on raising voterparticipation rather than promoting Capuano as acandidate.

"It's hard to get too worried about [thevote]," said campaign coordinator Jon A.Lenicheck. "With so many contested races thisyear, our idea is to get the word out there tovote Democrat."

"For our race, it's important to us that we geta lot of people to come out," he said.

Teebagy said raising participation was a factorin her support last night.

"Holding the sign might push people outtomorrow," she said. Smiling, she whispered, "It'smore for Mike, anyway."

Support was visible from the cheers and honkserupting from the passing cars along HighlineAvenue last night.

"Candidates like to come back and touch base,"Lenicheck said, explaining the choice ofSomerville as a final campaign stop.

But Lenicheck said Somerville was not a keycampaigning station. "We didn't do our mostaggressive campaigning here," he said, explainingthat the support base in Somerville was alreadystrong.

The End of the Road

With Capuano's victory nearly assured, hiscompetitors said the election results would beinteresting for other reasons.
